Five Gadgets Every Home Should Have.

Five Gadgets Every Home Should Have.

Having gadgets around the home can be akin to having a bit of success in your life. They are a little like luxury items but that also serve a use. The fact that you have these as oppose to raw decoration or purely functional items indicates that you have that little bit of extra income that allows you just a few more privilege than the person down the street. That is why everyday gadgets such as washing machines and microwave ovens have been left off of this list. Here are five gadgets that you are going to love.


Energy Hub

Energy Hub

The energy hub is a dashboard that you have in your home. It is a small touch screen device that allows you to see the amount of energy being used in your house. There are a few different types such as those that allow you to see how much energy is being used in one room and how much is being used in another. And, there are those that just let you see how much is being used in the entire house.


There are some that are button operated and some that are touch screen. There are some that allow you to control the power in your house. For example, you may be able to press “sleep” and the power in your house is turned off in strategic locations so that you are not wasting power in those places. You can even schedule what is going to come on and what is not when you are in the house.